8 Top Tips For University Interviews
Good presentation is one of the best keys to a successful interview. Being nervous is natural, but being well prepared will help you stay calm and present yourself in the best possible light.
In addition, having a clue about what to expect in an interview will help you feel less tense.
We will be enlightened on the Top tips for university interviews to ease your tension.
Top Tips For University Interviews
1. Stay On Top Of Your Subject Knowledge.
Your interviewer may want to gauge your subject knowledge and assess how well you cope when you are pushed out of your comfort zone and presented with new information or if you are challenged to look at something from a different point of view.
Of course, you will not be expected to have detailed knowledge of a subject you did not study in school, and if you are asked about something you did not study in school, it is always a good idea to say so.
Your interviewer will look for possible ways to pull your legs and see the level of your enthusiasm for your subject. You can get this by showing that your interest goes beyond schoolwork, for example, by discussing your reading or extracurricular activities.
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2. View The University Prospectus.
It is important to go beyond what they think you know. If you are asked ‘Why this university?’ and ‘Why this course?.
In this case, you should prove that you have first-hand information about the school as well as information about the course you intend to study at the university.
3. Read Your Personal Statement.
Some interviewers may use this as a starting point and ask you for more details about the experiences you mentioned. Be sure to mention things that you can give a detailed explanation on without shivering.
4. Keep Up With Current Affairs.
Current affairs may relate to your subject, so you must have a vast knowledge about it, especially as they relate to your subject.
Therefore, look out for top news, especially recent ones, before heading for your interview. Generally, be updated on any significant developments that relate to your subject.
5. Hold A Mock Interview.
Finding someone willing to help you with a practice interview will help familiarize you with the experience.
Your mock interviewer can be a teacher or someone who has some knowledge of your subject, but it shouldn’t be someone who knows you well.
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6. Prepare Questions To Ask The Lecturers.
You may have a chance to ask some questions of your own, but don’t make them up for the sake of it.
Is there something you want to know about the university or course? Please check if your questions are not already answered in the information sent to you.
7. Think About What You Want To Gain From The Course
It is important to think of what you intend to gain and how it fits into your long-term goals and aspirations. You may be asked if you know the career options that will open up to you when you graduate.
8. Read All The Interview Information Carefully.
Before going in for this interview, learn about the format. For example, you can set up a group or individual interview where you are part of a group of students who are asked questions. Then, listen to what other candidates have to say about the interview.
Several universities use multiple mini-interview for medical and dental courses. It involves going through a circuit with different bases where a number asks you questions of different interviewers.
Some questions may involve hypothetical scenarios, while others may include role-playing.
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What Do University Admissions Instructors Want
Imagine yourself being the admission tutor. What will you be looking at? Imagining the conversation from the other side can help you understand how you need to come across to make a good impression.
1.Are You Passionate About Your Subject
The admission tutor tries to find out if you are interested in your subject outside class. They will be curious to know if you keep up with the latest developments and show enthusiasm in your extracurricular activities.
2. Can You Manage Your Course
The admission tutor also tries to find out if you have what it takes to learn, develop and manage the course requirements. For example, do you have good academic knowledge of your subject?
You may be applying for a subject you have not studied before, such as law, in which case you may be expected to have some background knowledge.
You may also be asked questions to test your knowledge of subjects you have studied at A level or equivalent, as well as questions designed to assess your thinking ability.
3. Can You Cope With Stress
This is one important factor that university admission tutors try to find out. For example, being asked an unexpected question on the spot, will you be able to think and present your answers well? This will help them certify that you are a good communicator.
What To Do On The Day Of The University Interview
- Try to come to the interview well-rested, after a good breakfast and some minutes early.
- Wear something smart and comfortable. Be sure you have checked to see that there was no specific pattern of dressing stated by the school. Otherwise, smart trousers or skirts and a shirt or blouse should do the trick.
- Positive body language helps you make a good impression. For example, taking a few deep breaths before you walk in will help calm a fast heartbeat.
- Be confident, which is not the same as being arrogant. A good interview trick states that you fake it till you make it. If you act confident, you’ll start to feel better. Your interviewer wants to see what you are like and what you could bring to the university, so show them that.
- If you do not understand a question, you can ask for it to be repeated or clarified.
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What To Do After The University Interview
Your interviewer may be looking for ways to find out how you can cope with the university environment. Do not worry about some of the questions asked by the interviewer. Instead, while fresh in your mind, note the questions and what you think you did or didn’t do well. This will help you prepare for your next interview as you will be sure of what you did not do right and make an adjustment.
There you have it. I hope this article on tips for university interviews was helpful. Please leave your comments below in the comment section, and do not forget to like and share them with others.